Good overall conditions
No snowfall
2 general warnings
2 trail warnings
Overall very good late season trail riding with very little chop in areas. The new Deere worked hard again last night on flattening Trail 8 East to Shingleton. Some sections of Trail 8 and 7 are getting “Sugary” and there is a good base across most of our system. A few icy corners are starting to form with In-town trails getting dirty along the roadsides.
Schoolcraft Motorized Trails Assoc. (SCMTA) cannot get a groomer to the North end of their trails due to water issues. Alger SORVA has coordinated a plan with them to groom their Trail 41 South from Shingleton to Steuben tonight, possibly to the Jack Pine depending on trail conditions. How far it is groomed depends on snow melt and water conditions.
Snow is still in the forecast for Saturday and Sunday. STAY TUNED!
The Pisten Bully is supposed to be picked up this week and is still located on the side of Trail 8 right near M-94 in Shingleton so ride with caution in that area.
Past 24 hour Grooming Operations:
Trail 8 East, Trail 419 East
Today’s Forecast: Mostly Sunny, 41 degrees, calm.
Cover Photo: Operator Dave grooming Trail 8 East toward Shingleton late yesterday.
PLEASE ride with caution, stay right and be respectful, stay on the trail and off the throttle when in the towns.
- The warm daytime weather has created a few icy corners and patches. Slow down, stay right and ride with caution.
- Road clearing for logging trucks has started on the North leg of Trail 422. A short section just as you come off of H-58 is being cleared by dozers. Another short section just North of Shingleton on Trail 8 has also been cleared for logging trucks. Ride with caution in these areas and watch for heavy equipment as you pass through.
No new Snow, groomed Thursday night. Flat between Wetmore and Shingleton. Some gravel and bare pavement on connector through Shingleton - STAY ON TRAIL. North of Shingleton choppy with a few water holes forming.
PLEASE - STAY ON TRAIL when passing through Shingleton. DO NOT cross private properties. Ride with caution near third bridge north of Shingleton.
No new Snow, groomed Wednesday night. Flat
No new Snow, groomed Monday night. Light chop.
No new Snow, groomed Wednesday night. Some bare spots along last 2 miles on Christmas end.
No new Snow, groomed Wednesday night.
Fair to Good
No new Snow, groomed Saturday night. Smooth with light chop between Munising and Wetmore with a few dirt patches. Dirty snow along sides of M-28.
Fair to Good
No new Snow. Choppy in areas.
TRAIL 418 NOTICE - VERY ROUGH HAZARD Location: 1 1/2 miles East of AuTrain. Recent snow melt damaged a 1/8 mile section of trail. Slow down and Use caution when riding this area. DETOUR: Take Trail 417 South from Brownstone Junction to Trail 8 East.
Fair to Good
No new Snow. Choppy in areas.
Fair to Good
No new Snow, groomed Sunday night. Fifty percent bare road and gravel along 2 mile section of trail on H-58.
No new Snow, groomed Sunday. Flat.
Copyright © 2019 – SORVA of Alger County