Good overall conditions
Light snowfall
0 general warnings
0 trail warnings
Well the predicted system did not really pan out like we were hoping.
We did get some fresh that has helped to hold the trails together longer.
There was a better moisture content to the system snow that came through.
It did help. Groomers have been out.
Fair to Good
gets thin and icy in some areas going to the West from Trail 7
Fair to Good
still light on snow further south. We have been grooming down to CR 440 carefully trying not to destroy what base there is.
Fair to Good
low snow and ice in a few areas but over all good
There is a decent snow pack that you can ride West from Forest Lake Rd to 417 Junction (Brownstone) have some one going out there tomorrow to check on conditions and determine if we can groom it.
rocks - low snow - going towards Marquette gets thinner the further West you go.
Very Rough
not groomed
snow is getting pretty pounded
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