Trail Report

Monday December 20, 2021 7:08AM

Fair overall conditions

No snowfall

2 general warnings

4 trail warnings

No new snow as we continue to clear trees and cleanup the trails. Overall we consider trails a 30/70 mix of poor to fair with a few good sections on Trail 8. Snow depths are ranging from very thin near the roadways and open areas to 6 to 12 inches in the shaded wooded areas. We do have 3 to 5 inches of snow in the 5 day forecast which is good. Once again yesterday Chris, Brian and Keith took both the Bully and Big Deere. They worked West on Trail 8 to Campground Road and North into Christmas on Trail 7 packing in the water holes, clear trees and flatten out the trail. Please be patient and do some serious Snow Dancing! Stay Tuned as we continue to report changing trail conditions.

Past 24 hour Grooming Operations: Trail 8 from Shingleton to Campground Road and Trail 7 North to Christmas.

Forecast: Scattered Snow Showers, 30º F ↓ 23º F, Winds SW changing to NW 10 to 20 mph gust to 30 mph
Currently: Cloudy, 29º F, Winds S 14 mph with Gusts to 22 mph

Photo: Trail 419 South of Wetmore

Be sure to patronize and thank your Trail Sponsors!
Today’s Trail Report brought to you by: Hiawatha Telephone Company – Munising, MI


- Ride with caution watching for downed trees as trails are being cleaned up. Also watch for ice covered water holes in the wetland areas.


- Ride with extreme caution on Trail 422 heading to Miners Castle about 3.5 miles North of M28. There is a very deep washout that cuts into the trail about 2 feet along the east edge. This will be present until we get more snow to pack it in.

Trail Conditions

8 East - Shingleton

Fair to Good

Approximately 12 inches of snow, thin to bare near road crossings. Last Groomed: 12/19/2021

8 West - Chatham

Fair to Good

Thin in open areas to 12 inches of snow, open areas may be icy, no snow cover on 1 mile of Campground Road near Forest Lake Road. Last Groomed: 12/19/2021

7 South - CR440


Thin in open areas to 12 inches of snow, open areas may be icy, Thinner as you head south Last Groomed: 12/17/2021 to Buckhorn Road

7 North - Christmas


Thin in open areas to 12 inches of snow, open areas may be icy, Very thin as you get into Christmas Last Groomed: 12/19/2021

419 East - Wetmore


Thin dirty snow to 6 inches of snow, may be icy and soft in water hole areas. Bare ground and dirty snow along M28 entering Munising. Some very large water holes. Last Groomed: 12-19-2021 from Trail 8 North into Wetmore, Cut in 12/11/2021 from Balko Street to Munising

PARTIAL CLOSURE - Wetmore to Munising. Trail not set or signed yet along M-28, Use Prospect Street (past Renze Powersports) crossing M28 onto Balko Street and enter trail West into Munising. Watch for mud holes and use caution near temporary culvert at stream crossing.

419 West - Munising


Dusting to 6 inches of snow, may be icy and soft in water hole areas. Some very large water holes. Last Groomed: Ungroomed

PARTIAL CLOSURE - 2 mile section West of Munising from Brook Street heading toward Christmas - very large water holes and mud. Follow ORV Detour: Brook Street North to Varnum West to St Martins Hill West/North to Gage Road West 2,000 feet to trail on corner heading South back to 419

418 - Au Train


Dusting to 6 inches of snow to the East, may be icy and soft in water hole areas. Very thin sand/gravel trail along Lake Superior near AuTrain. Last Groomed: Ungroomed

417 - Brownstone Jnct.


Dusting to 6 inches of snow, may be icy and soft in water hole areas, very rocky areas. Last Groomed: Ungroomed

422 - Miners Castle


Thin to 12 inches of snow, a few large and deep water holes north of H58, may be icy in wet areas. very little snow cover on 2 mile section of H58. Watch for ruts on Miner Castle Road as some vehicles are attempting to drive it. Last Groomed: 12/18/2021

Ride with extreme caution on Trail 422 heading to Miners Castle about 3.5 miles North of M28. There is a very deep washout that cuts into the trail about 2 feet along the east edge. This will be present until we get more snow to pack it in.

Wetmore Spur


Thin to 8 inches of snow, may be icy in wet areas. Last Groomed: Cut in 12/11/2021

8 North - Shingleton


Thin to 12 inches of snow, may be icy in water hole areas. Thinner snow, icy and rough further south. Last Groomed: Cut in 12/11/2021

Watch for water hole near the M94 crossing in Shingleton and use caution in the marsh area just east of the Shingleton Bridge.